Translation: Marta Ayora
Good practices, from a gender point of view, with regards to the treatment of the news in the countries in conflict, in the Mediterranean.
Elaboration of a lecture with schedule and suggestions about the gender and treatment of the news in the countries in conflict, in the Mediterranean.
Place: Consell Hall - IEMed
Date: 15/09
Jornalists of the Mediterranean Network, XIDPIC.CAT, IEMed, Oficina per la Pau, and journalists of Non Government Associations.
Participants: Marian Galindo (journalist Siria / Spain); Kawther Salam (journalist Palestina /Austria. Translator: Ramin D.); Haifa Haidar (President of the Union of Jordan Women. This group includes journalists of the Mediterranean Network) ; Ma.Àngels Roque (Director of the magazine ‘Quaderns de la Mediterrània’ in the IEMed); Montse Minobis (President of AD.XIDPIC.CAT); Marta Ayora, Tona Gusi and Lídia Vilalta (from XIDPIC.CAT –Mediterranean Network Committee); Salwua l’Aquaji el Gharbi (responsible of UNESCO- Gender); Marga Pont (responsible of Cooperation Communication; Fabiola Llanos (journalist and responsible of Cooperation awareness); Montse Benito (Communication and responsible of Gendre subjects in ENTREPOBLES);
Cristina Martínez (responsible of Communication in ACSUR - Gendre).
10.00 h - 14h
Discussion of different contributions of journalists after a two months previous work.
11h 30m .-coffee break
16 h - 18h
Put in common and first writing with the journalists’ contributions.
New incorporations: Montse G. Sosa (XIDPIC.CAT/ACSI); Maria Palomares (journalist of ‘Ciutat Vella Masala’/ Women for Women); Júlia López (XIDPIC.CAT/Moncomunicació); Leonor Sedó (XIDPIC.CAT/’39 y mas’).
Date: 16/09
Journalists and Responsibles of Gendre from Non Government Organizations.
New incorporations: Anna Morero (responsible of training and specialist in gendre in Cooperation); Suelma Beiruk (Women in Black); Fatima Ahmed (IBN Batuta); Montse Cervera, Carmen Murias (Women for Peace); Hend/Afifa (Al Hanan).
10h - 14h Exposition and discussion of the contributions of Gendre- Non Government Organizations. 2nd writing.
11h 30m.- coffee break for 15 people
16h - 18h Open session to other journalists. Contributions.
New incorporations: Maria Palomares (journalist of ‘Ciutat Vella Masala’/ Women for Women); Teresa Bau (Vila Web); Montse G. Sosa (ACSI); Júlia López (Moncomunicació); Conxa Garcia (Ones de Dones); Dolors Viñas (XIDPIC.CAT/9 Nou); Leonor Sedó (XIDPIC.CAT/’39 y mas’).
The work has been done previously by internet with women coming from countries in conflict such as: Palestina, Israel, Siria, Jordania and Liban and with responsibles of communication and / or gendre from Non Government Organizations and other associations,
The aim of all the subjects is to get good practices in journalism ( agenda and suggestions) in order to solve without violence the conflicts from a gendre point of view.
The results will be shown in the next meeting of Marrakech, Morocco (23rd and 24th October, 2008). The reporter will be the journalist Mariam Galindo. And Maria-Àngels Roque will also participate.
There will be between 15- 20 people maximum in these sessions..
The press will be summoned for the last session on the 16th from 16h to 18h.
For interviews, you have to put in touch with Jordi Bertran from l’IEMed and Lídia Vilalta from XIDPIC.CAT.
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